GibbsCAM Level 1

GibbsCAM Level 1

This is the introductory GibbsCAM course that’s made for beginners. It’s split up into three separate days by default, but can also be customized. In this course you’ll start by learning how to create wireframe geometry on the first day. The following two days focus on programming operations for milling and turning respectively. If there’s a day you don’t need then you can simply opt out of it.


Geometry Creation

You will learn the basics of GibbsCAM and how to draw and manipulate geometry. At the end of the course you will be able to create geometry that will be used in the next course.

6 hours

Milling and VoluMill

You will learn how to create tool, process, and operation tiles for milling operations. By the end of the day you will be able to create a 3-axis milling program using roughing, contour, hole-making, and VoluMill processes to machine a milling part.

6 hours


You will learn how to create tool, process, and operation tiles for lathe programming. By the end of the course you will be able to create a turning program using roughing, contour, threading, and hole-making processes to machine a lathe part.

6 hours