GibbsCAM 2022 Primer Textbook
The GibbsCAM 2022 Primer is meant for people that already know how to use GibbsCAM 13. GibbsCAM 14 and GibbsCAM 2022 have been released since then, and have many additions, but the majority of the program still works the same. This book bridges the gap between GibbsCAM 13 and GibbsCAM 14/2022 by explaining the new content that was added to each of them. This includes improvements to interface, drawing, process, simulation, posting, and more. By omitting the content that hasn’t changed we can create a smaller and more affordable product that would make a great match with our currently printed set of GibbsCAM 13 books.
ISBN: 978-1-928009-15-3
Pages: 68